3 pages in the document:
All Data sorted by score, sorted by landing distance, and finally sorted by time.

A note about the 2022 scoring system

The goals for ArkanSTOL 2022 were to modify the course to make precision as important as speed, and most importantly to highlight pilot skill no matter what equipment they were operating. For scoring we set out to find a formula that would incorporate time and landing distance and using manufacturer’s marketed ground roll numbers as a modifier. Finding a fair equilibrium with the scoring proved to be challenging and we went through many iterations prior to the event. No-one has ever attempted this before, and finally with input from the competitors at the event we collectively deemed the scoring system partially flawed (manufacturer’s data).

With competitor’s feedback we now have new ideas to explore to create a system that is simpler while still providing a measure of equalization per class that keeps things challenging and interesting for all. Our overall goal has always been to provide pilots a competition that is unique and the opportunity to compete in a safe professional manner. ArkanSTOL has and always will be trying to innovate to bring new ideas to competitive aviation.

We utilized the following formula in our scoring calculations for 2022:

  • (Time/2) + (Actual Landing Distance/Manufacturer’s Published Landing Distance from their website) X 75) + Penalties = Final Score

  • (T/2) + (ALD/MLD) X 75) + P = Final Score

2022 Competitor Pilots